Kinky Twists

Wig Kinky TWIST Out Bouncy Fluffy Bob Style Natural Premium Fiber Quality WIG.
Kinky twists. Its a low manipulation style Kinky twists are an excellent choice for protective styling. While larger braids can approximate the style kinky twists cant be replicated. PLEASE OPEN ME Hello my beautiful subscribers here is a tutorial on kinky twist.
Like the upside of low manipulation this style is long-lasting. The main difference between the two is thickness. Simple and pain free.
If you want those large rope-like strands of fluffy textured hair then the kinky twist is for you. Marley twists also called kinky twists are similar to Havana twists. They appear more natural.
There are many ways of styling the kinky twists and you may have a lot of fun styling it. Kinky twists and braided styles are some of the most popular natural hair looks right now. Marley twists are made from only 2 strands of braiding hair while.
Making sure your twists stay looking their. Marley extension hair is known. Btw this is my first attempt on kinky twist.
This style is for the new and upcoming naturalistas. Short kinky twists are a protective glam style and is for the glam and the calm. Afro twist hairstyles are versatile for any personality and can be a great look for both the pool and a professional setting.