Bobby Darin You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby Lyrics

I know you drove the other childs wild.
Bobby darin you must have been a beautiful baby lyrics. Watch the video for You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby from Bobby Darins The Hit Singles Collection for free and see the artwork lyrics and similar artists. Bobby Darin Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby lyrics - letras - testo are property and copyright of their owners. B7 E E7 You must have been a beautiful baby A A7 You must have been a beautiful child Am7 D7 Am7 D7 When you were only startin to go to kindergarten G Gdim Am7 D7 Ill bet you drove the little boys wild.
An I wasnt even there. If they dont just send them both to me You must have been a beautiful baby You must have been a wonderful child When you were only starting to go to kindergarten I bet you drove the little boys wild And when it came to winning blue ribbons You must have shown the other kids how I can see the judges eyes as they handed you the prize I bet you. An I wasnt even there.
When you were only startin. Cause baby wont you look at you now. Bobby Darin provides the music with You Must.
Bobby Darin provides the music with You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby and Irresistible You Another family video. Oh I mean I mean oh beautiful. About You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby is a popular song with music by Harry Warren and lyrics by Johnny Mercer published in 1938 by Remick Music Corporation.
SongsTube is against piracy and promotes safe and legal music downloading. Bobby Darin Bobby. You must a have been a beautiful baby.
To go to kindergarten. B7 E E7 And when it came to winnin blue ribbons A. Oh beautiful oh beautiful oh beautiful.